Todd Bash is among the most adventurous and uncompromising playwrights in the world today. Often shattering the conventions of traditional theatre, and overflowing with dream-like imagery, his style recalls the experiments of the Paris Surrealists during the 1920s, as well as writers such as Alfred Jarry, Bertolt Brecht and Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz. SANCTUS FUMIGACI - Collected Works Volume 2 brings together eight of Bash's most challenging plays, spanning the years 1989 through 2005. Provocative, haunting and deeply personal, they are necessary reading for anyone with a serious interest in contemporary theatre, the avant-garde and surrealism.
Das Nachtgespenst (1991)
Goldring (1989)
Nachthunde (2003)
Mondvogel (2005)
The Final Thoughts of Stanislaw Bashkiewicz (1989)
Appendix: Collaborations
The Last of the Living Surrealists (with Gustavo Octavio; 1989)
The Hobo Screenplay (with Gustavo Octavio; 1989)
Seehunde (with composer Shigeru Kan-no; 2003)
From Todd Bash - "As a writer, I attempt to delve beyond external reality, and touch something deep within myself. I want to express a human being's inner reality in a completely honest and uninhibited manor, with all of its brutality, and all of its innocence; all of its darkness, and all of its beauty. To create an analogy, a couple of years ago I spent some time in the Amazon jungle. I found the jungle, and Nature itself, completely free. At times its chaos was overwhelming, filled with a violent ferocity. But it was also pure, almost innocent, and incredibly moving. This is how I view the imagination, as well, and what I strive to capture with my writing and creative projects."
A new second edition of Sanctus Fumigaci is now available. It can be purchased below through or through other internet booksellers. The original edition is out of print. However, there are still a few hardcover and paperback signed copies. If interested, please enquire by email for further information.

And scheduled soon from NACHTHUNDE PUBLISHING: The Final Thoughts of Tatala Bashkiewicz (Plays, Poetry & Prose) and Last of the Living Surrealists & Other Blasphemous Works (by Todd Bash & Gustavo Octavio).